Planetary Transition
The objective of producing and realizing my artistic work is not only just to transmit a visual impact to the general public. But its main priority is to present, to express a scenario that can contribute in some way to the stimulation and activation of dormant individual reflection in each being. This Series of Work with the title Planetary Transition, which I consider visually impactful, has a much deeper meaning than what can be seen in the first Approach. These are messages that I feel obliged and entitled to share with everyone who is prepared to listen, observe and awaken their inner self, I hope to attribute and be able to bring interest and individual curiosity to each being. Planetary Transition means great Changes, The Universe has always been in constant evolution, as has every living being in it. But currently this Transition is about something much bigger,which will impact the history of humanity and all living beings of our blessed planet, this will mean a milestone in the history of this planet and humanity. Here I present a great almost Apocalyptic scenario but also immersed in a Sublime beauty where the main elements, the protagonists are surrounded by the beauty of their internal and external battles that try in every way to avoid their internal and external enemies that accompany them in your daily Journeys. These scenarios that my work indirectly conveys are also present in our daily lives, conscious or unconscious, this is my perception of the history of Humanity. This powerful current Planetary Transition will lead us to the liberation of the Soul from these mundane and spiritual prisons that keep us trapped in these repetitive cycles of illusion and ignorance. Where we have the free will to be able to make our choices and internal changes that will reflect and transform the world we live in, not forgetting that we are all one, and that we only reap what we sow, regardless of what we sow.
Cristina de Santana


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© Cristina Jesus de Santana