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Born Bahia, Brazil, 1965 Lives and Work in Brazil.
2017 - Die GROSSE Kunstausstellung NRW Düsseldorf Museum Kunstpalast
2016 - The International Art Project Cap d'Ail, France
2016 - Regiment Armory. New York, NY
2016 - The Vision Art Project Hamburg, Germany
2015 - Self Portraits Group Show Women as Witness New York, NY
2015 - Artist Residence Romania Art Foundation,Romania
2014 - Deutsche Bank, Düsseldorf,Germany
2014 - Between Worlds, Düsseldorf, Germany
2013 - Lords of War video show Dr.Thompson´s Düsseldorf, Germany
2012 - K4 Kulturbüro Kiefernstrasse, Düsseldorf
2011 - Presentation of Project City of Dreams Haniel Park Düsseldorf, Germany
2010 -The Can Factory - Art Project with Knut Kargel
2010 -Art in Flingern, Düsseldorf, Germany
2009 -The Dangerous Ability to Fascinate Other People,Düsseldorf, Germany
2008 - Infinite Universe, Contemporary Art Gallery, Düsseldorf, Flingern
2008 - Das Leben Draussen Kunstfilmtag 2010 - Malkasten Düsseldorf
2008 - Charity Exhibition for Haiti Schloss Bedburg, Bedburg, Germany
2007 - Group Show Korbrennerei Gallery Düsseldorf Haan, Germany
2006 - Group Exhibition Natur Eins, Düsseldorf, Germany
2006 - Breath Galeria DZS, Düsseldorf, Germany
2005 - Exhibition Natur Eins, Düsseldorf, Germany
2005 - Show Mundo Morbido Renaissance Hotel Düsseldorf,Germany
2005 - Spiegel der Seele in Johanneskirche, Düsseldorf, Germany
2004 - Visions Tanzhaus NRW Düsseldorf German